
多样性、股票、 & 包容

移行细胞癌 is committed to diversity and inclusion

Tidewater Community College holds diversity, equity, and inclusion as a 核心价值. We aim to create an environment in which policies, 实践, 信仰建立在公平原则的基础上,这承认了结构性种族主义, 性别差异, 以及系统性贫困 while honoring the diversity of humanity. 博彩网站致力于培养和维持一个包容所有身份的多元化和包容性环境, 视角, 表达想法, 和背景. 整个大学社区都受益于培养相互尊重的经历, 庆祝差异, 重视共性. 

Shared Langu年龄 Definitions:

多样性: All of the characteristics that make individuals unique. It describes the various combinations of group/social differences including race, 种族, class, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 原产国, 能力, 年龄, 还有文化, 政治, 还有宗教信仰. various races and ethnicities…different economic, 地理, and religious backgrounds…年龄, 残疾的人, 以及性取向.”

包容: An inclusive institution is one where the diversity, work and talents of all employees are valued, where everyone feels welcomed and comfortable, and where everyone has an equitable opportunity to advance and succeed.

股本: 股本 is the existence of an environment in which policies, 实践, 信仰建立在公平原则的基础上,这承认了结构性种族主义, 性别差异, 以及系统性贫困, while honoring the diversity of humanity. 这种环境明确地优先考虑所有学生的成功,以确保他们有必要的资源来实现他们的大学和职业目标.

Resources: 移行细胞癌 and 电流的定义, ONE Virginia, VCCS Opportunity 2027 战略计划Report of the Chancellor’s Task Force on 多样性电流的定义

DEI目标 移行细胞癌’s Five-Year 战略计划

5.1 Close student access and achievement gaps. *
5.2 Eng年龄 in DEI and cultural awareness training and professional development. 
5.3 Conduct a policy and curriculum review focused on DEI.
5.4Develop annual employee DEI recruitment and retention targets.

多样性、股票、 And 包容 Council


  • 5.通过评估DE的现状,缩小学生的机会和成就差距&我通过定性和定量数据来确定移行细胞癌如何定义和整合多样性, equity and inclusion through teaching, 学习, student and community 参与ment: thus, establishing a baseline for our strategic direction.
  • 5.2 .参与DE&透过检讨现时的措施和研究最佳做法,促进和支持学院各学系的策略规划,包括专业发展和学生学习,从而加强文化意识培训和专业发展.  实施战略评估过程,为持续质量和改进提供信息,并确保问责制.
  • 审查VCCS目标, 以及整个英联邦的其他举措,以确保移行细胞癌的一致性和大学实践的相关性.

All full council meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month via Zoom.
Subcommittee meetings are at various times throughout the month. 接触ckizart@tcc.Edu了解详情.

  • Chair: Kyndra Brown, Chesapeake Campus
  • Babi Brock, Virginia Beach Campus
  • Michael Bryan, District Office
  • 贝丝卡拉汉, Virginia Beach Campus
  • Floyd Davis, Virginia Beach Campus
  • Tatianna Duero, Virginia Beach Campus
  • Davine (Daye) Faulks-Brayboy, District Office
  • Betsy Foushee, District Office
  • Rhonda Goudy, Chesapeake Campus
  • Sara Hair, Chesapeake Campus
  • Jaedda Hall, Virginia Beach Campus
  • 露丝·胡,切萨皮克校区
  • Latesha Johnson, District Office
  • Brittney Lapoint, 劳动力解决方案
  • Donald Liburd, Norfolk Office
  • Amanda Llloyd, 劳动力解决方案
  • Gloria McKinney, Information Technology
  • Alicia Phillips, Portsmouth Campus
  • Naomi Riddick, District Office
  • Kriste Salamon, District Office
  • Marquita Snow, District Office
  • Jennifer Valentine, Virginia Beach Campus


  • 多元化、公平、 & 包容委员会由来自所有四个校区的学生、教师和工作人员组成.
  • 学生资源和赋权中心是一个一站式网站,为学生提供各种免费和全面的社会服务和经济资源,帮助他们专注于学业目标.
  • 全球和跨文化学习委员会的宗旨是为教师创造和协调全球学习的机会, 工作人员, 和学生. 为教师创造和协调包括专业发展在内的机会, 课程开发, 外语和留学的目标是让尽可能多的学生接受国际化的教育.
  • 移行细胞癌图书馆为研究和教学需要提供与DEI信息相关的资源. 《博彩平台》链接到数据库和其他信息资源,以协助对各种文化群体的研究.
  • 移行细胞癌教育无障碍办公室的使命是在一个支持性的氛围中为学生提供获得课程和设施的机会, 根据《博彩网站》第504条和《博彩平台》的规定.
  • 劳动力招聘计划将公共和私营雇主与渴望通过暑期或长期工作来证明自己在职场能力的高度积极的残疾学生和应届毕业生联系起来. WRP为个人提供了向美国各地各种潜在雇主推销自己能力的机会, sharpen their interviewing skills, gain valuable work experience and establish job contacts. The WRP is co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Dis能力 Employment Policy (ODEP) and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Office of 多样性 Man年龄ment & Equal Opportunity (ODMEO) with support from other federal 年龄ncies.
  • 博彩网站的卓越教学中心是一个教师联系的社区, 参与, 和协作.
  • 劳动力解决方案 From health care to IT and beyond, 博彩网站的劳动力解决方案中心提供高质量的短期劳动力培训,促进您的业务目标,同时改善博彩网站所服务的社区. 工作技能培训计划和快速前进也可以通过劳动力解决方案获得.
  • 移行细胞癌 promotes inclusion through its partnership with Hampton Roads Transit, the regional transit provider in its service area, to provide students with discounted public transportation, reducing a significant barrier to student success. Discounted services also include transport for disabled students.
  • CMVE Recognizing that one-third of 移行细胞癌’s students have a relationship with the U.S. 军事(我.e., 现役, 经验丰富的, 或家庭), 军事和退伍军人教育中心(CMVE)开发了一个由画布托管的网站, the 军事 Cultural Awareness Resource Center, 哪一个是为教职员提供一站式专业发展资源. 该结构提高了对军事相关文化和问题的认识,并通过Canvas向所有教职员工开放.
  • 学院于2014-15年成立了美国社区学院妇女协会(移行细胞癌- aawcc) 移行细胞癌分会. The organization boosts mentorship, development, networking, and leadership. 目前正在征集2015年AAWCC三区国家委员会学生奖学金和AAWCC博士项目奖学金的候选人.
  • “门户开放项目”为来自弱势家庭的学生提供指导服务,这些学生通常是第一代大学生.
  • 新教师学院在学院全职工作的第一个学期博彩网站时提供给所有新的全职教师.
  • 移行细胞癌多元化官员与人力资源部合作,制定标准化的求职委员会/面试小组清单,描述多元化期望(性别), 种族/民族, 等.) that must be considered and met while developing search committees.
  • 搜索的倡导者


Dr. ClauDean Kizart,
Director of Institutional 多样性、股票、 and 包容


Academic Advisor Advising and Student Success 


College-Wide Coordinator of 教育al 可访问性 
