

内阁成员在总统的领导下 President Dr. 玛西娅Conston,负责学院的所有部门.

克里斯·P. Bryant


Bryant brings 25 years of leadership experience to TCC as the Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Executive Director of the 教育基金会.

布莱恩特为TCC的公共关系提供战略领导, 传播与营销, alumni relations and college events and is primarily responsible for designing and implementing TCC’s institutional advancement programs for increasing community involvement, 建立公司和基金会的关系, 并启动积极的筹款成果. 

在来TCC之前, Bryant served as the vice president for institutional advancement at Central Virginia Community College (CVCC).  在那个职位上非常成功, 科比是一个明确的选择,去TCC,在一个更大的机构担任这个角色.  在加入CVCC之前,Mr. 科比曾担任古德温之家的开发总监, 这是弗吉尼亚州北部的一个非营利性老年人生活社区. 以这种身份, 他负责筹款活动的方方面面, 包括年度呼吁, 直接邮件, 中层给, major gifts, 资本运动, 有计划的捐赠.  在古德温学院任职之前, 布莱恩特在Capital Caring担任计划捐赠和重大礼品主管, 长老会家庭服务中心的捐赠关系主管, 也是蓝岭山脉委员会的地区主任, 美国童子军.  布莱恩特是一名注册基金筹集主管(CFRE)。, 需要广泛训练的证书, 完成笔试, 继续教育, 实现持续的绩效标准.

Bryant’s educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in political science from Hampden-Sydney College and a master’s degree in executive leadership and nonprofit management from Liberty University.

Email: cbryant@kss-mining.com



Dr. 坎贝尔在大学范围内负责招生工作, recruitment, registration, records, advising, 教育的可访问性, 学生的成功, 测试服务, 学生活动, 学生的行为, 职业服务, 军事和退伍军人教育中心 (CMVE)、远大前程、妇女中心和门户开放计划. 她还负责监督 应急准备 and 安全及保安 and is responsible for the management and implementation of the college’s quality enhancement plan (QEP).

Dr. 坎贝尔于2005年加入TCC,拥有超过27年的高等教育经验. 在她的任命之前,Dr. 坎贝尔在学院担任过几个领导职务. 她曾担任学生事务助理副校长, 主管学术和职业规划的副校长.A.C.E,以及负责招聘、录取和招生的助理副总裁. 在来到博彩网站之前. Campbell spent 12 years working in progressively responsible positions within student affairs at the College of William and Mary, 詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学, 和埃默里大学.

Dr. 坎贝尔获得了博士学位.D. 获得老道明大学高等教育学士学位, a master’s of education in counseling psychology with a concentration in college student personnel administration from 詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学, 并获得里士满大学工商管理学士学位. In 2011, she received the chancellor’s fellowship and was the recipient of the outstanding doctoral student award in 2013.

She is State Chair of the Board of Directors for the American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network of Virginia and has served as a member of this board since 2016.

Email: kcampbell@kss-mining.com

Art A. Hall


Art A. 霍尔在劳动力发展方面拥有25年的经验, academics, business, law, 向TCC提供资金. 在来TCC之前, 霍尔曾担任圣安东尼奥阿拉莫学院中心运营的地区主任, Texas. 阿拉莫学院是美国第十大社区学院系统.S. 是德克萨斯州第二大城市. Hall managed a large Economic and Workforce Development division across eight centers and played a key role in strategic planning, partnerships, 以及程序开发. Art’s extensive background also includes positions such as Dean of Workforce Development and 继续教育 at St. 菲利普的大学.  

霍尔在哈佛大学获得文学学士学位后博彩网站了他的职业生涯, 威尔士大学法学硕士, 德克萨斯理工大学法学博士和工商管理硕士. 在他的职业生涯中, 他对法律的复杂性有着深刻的理解, 在公司法等各个领域提供指导, 证券合规, litigation, 房地产交易, 以及财务文件. 除了他在法律方面的敏锐,Art在金融领域也取得了重大进展. Hall的金融背景包括担任Popular Securities, Inc .的副总裁., where he provided investment banking services and devised finance management strategies for public entities. 他精通财务分析, 风险管理, 投资策略在推动组织成长和成功方面发挥了重要作用.  

Art的综合劳动力, 高等教育, legal, and financial background brought a unique perspective to his public service as a San Antonio City Council Member of District 8. Hall will certainly leverage his expertise to expand 劳动力解决方案 at TCC and foster economic development. 霍尔喜欢马术比赛, running, golfing, 通用航空, 维持他的私人飞行员执照的必要爱好. 在圣安东尼奥待了25年后, Texas, 霍尔期待着与妻子和女儿在汉普顿路扎根.

E-mail:  ahall@kss-mining.com

Beth Lunde

Beth Lunde


Ms. Lunde is responsible for providing strategic leadership and direction for the college’s human resource management function including planning, integrating, 实施人力资源项目和政策, 以及人才和领导力发展. Her office handles the day-to-day management and strategic planning and initiatives of key human resource functions, including 员工招聘、福利、职位分类、薪酬、员工关系、培训 & 开发和人力资源信息系统.

在2015年7月成为人力资源副总裁之前. Lunde served as Assistant Director of Human Resources and seven years as the college’s Benefits Manager. 在来TCC之前, she spent three years as a Human Resources Coordinator for Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools, and ten years working in progressively responsible positions within the Human Resources Department at Trader Publishing Company.

Ms. Lunde earned her master’s degree in education human resource development from The George Washington University and her bachelor’s of business administration in Management from 詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学. Ms. Lunde被美国人力资源协会(SPHR)认证为高级人力资源专家 人力资源认证机构 并获得高级认证专家资格 人力资源管理学会(SHRM-SCP).

Email: blunde@kss-mining.com



希瑟·哈迪曼(麦克克雷格饰)提供战略支持, college-wide leadership for the functional areas that embrace TCC’s financial units including accounting, budgeting, 采购和物料管理, 现金管理, 学生资助服务, 辅助服务, 合同管理, 为学院的基金会做财务报告. Ms. Hardiman (McCraig) also oversees the area of Facilities Planning and Operations for the college encompassing Operations and Maintenance as well as Custodial Services. Ms. Hardiman (McCraig) oversees the college’s facilities master planning along with the bi-annual capital planning process.

Ms. Hardiman (McCraig)于2012年加入TCC. 在她的任命之前,女士. Hardiman (McCraig) served as the Associate Vice President for Finance and the Director of Financial Systems and Operations with TCC. Ms. Hardiman (McCraig) has twenty-three years of experience with public and private organizations including Marriott International, 汉普顿公路运输, 和美国集团公司.

Ms. Hardiman (McCraig) earned a master’s in accounting and a master’s in information systems from The University of Maryland, 大学学院. 她还获得了Park University的管理会计学士学位.

Email: hmccraig@kss-mining.com


Michelle W. Woodhouse

负责学术事务的副校长 & 首席学术官

Michelle W. Woodhouse, 负责学术事务的副校长 and 首席学术官 at 博彩网站, is known for her student-centered approach to 高等教育 and willingness to guide and mentor TCC students, women, 而成人靠她的能力创造了一个进步, 积极和支持性的环境.

她的教育事业——在父母的鼓励下, 谁也是教育家——当她回到母校时就博彩网站了, 切萨皮克的大桥高中. 作为一名教师,她在教学和行政部门中步步高升. 她之所以能接受高等教育,要感谢她的导师. Marie V. McDemmond, who named her Norfolk State University’s Director of 继续教育 and Professional Studies at the Virginia Beach Higher Education Center. One of her proudest achievements at NSU was the creation of the Women’s Empowerment Initiative. This annual event encourages and motivates women to succeed in education and career and mental and physical well-being.

Dr. Woodhouse joined TCC in 2006 as Dean of 社会科学 and Public Services at the Portsmouth campus and in 2011 became Provost of the Portsmouth Campus after serving in an interim capacity. 她创立了“行动呼吁”,这是一项包含全体教员的倡议, students, 教职员工以学生的成功为目标, engagement, and service. 她在朴茨茅斯校区设立了学生大使项目, through which students become representatives of their school and groom the next class of ambassadors. Dr. 伍德豪斯还实施了第一年成功办公室, 哪个学校为新生提供咨询和拓展服务.

Dr. 伍德豪斯获得过无数奖项, 包括TCC马丁·路德·金杰出服务奖, 汉普顿路青年职业遗产城市联盟教育银星奖, 以及诺福克州立大学妇女经济发展中心杰出女性奖. 她也是殖民海岸“著名前”女童子军奖的获得者, 女青年会董事会服务奖, 以及反酒驾母亲协会颁发的MADD优秀奖.

她持有弗吉尼亚联邦大学理学学士学位, 诺福克州立大学城市教育硕士学位, 获得诺瓦东南大学教育领导教育学博士学位.

Dr. 伍德豪斯给了她时间, talent, 为众多公民活动提供能源, 包括朴茨茅斯伙伴关系和朴茨茅斯公立学校基金会委员会. She is a graduate of Lead Hampton Roads Class of 2012 and a former Commissioner for ForKids, Inc. 

Email: mwoodhouse@kss-mining.com